Thursday 29 May 2014

Doin' the ton, in Morocco # Updated!!!

*Please note that this entire entry is out of sync with the rest of the blog and may be entirely fictitious*
...... as may be the update ......

OK, for the readers of this blog that do not ride motorcycles and are not Australian the title may seem a bit strange, and therefore I will explain it.
Doin' the ton  means to drive/ride a vehicle, preferably horizontally but can in some circumstances be accepted if done vertically, at 100mph (or if metricized, 160kph).

Recent reports say that a group of up to as many as eight non-Japanese motorcycles may have travelled along a motorway in Morocco, heading north to Rabat at speeds above "the ton" , and in some cases close to "a ton 'n' a half" or more.
It is said that in one case one rider and the pillion may have been doing, according to the speedometer, ~210kph and were passed by an elderly motorcyclist at even higher speeds, who was performing acrobatics!

Later, at a fuel stop, the motorcyclist that was passed by the elderly rider described him, affectionately and respectfully, as an "A###hole!"

The aforementioned elderly motorcycle statesman is believed to have justified his speed and riding style by saying that he has not done this in twenty years and where he comes from it would land him in jail!

It is said that the motorcyclists compared the fines and jail terms in their respective countries, as they may not have all been from Morocco, for doing such speeds, if indeed they were done at all.

There have been no reports of any damage having resulted to any of the motorcycles (as they were all built properly), riders (who all knew their limits and capabilities), pillions (who had complete faith in their riders) or spectators (who were too busy wandering from lane to lane without looking or indicating or were simply reading and replying to emails whilst driving at ridiculously low speeds of around 120kph), if indeed any of this story is true.

At this point, none of the above can be verified as the riders cannot be contacted for a comment.

News reports, from reliable sources, have shared that on the day following the above there may have been a motorcycle, made by a family owned company, of over one liter in capacity, of a bluish color carrying a handsome middle European man and a non-European woman of demure stature, doing speeds of 215.

The unit of speed is unknown but it is not thought to be kilometers, as this would make the alleged speed illegal and the policeman sitting behind the bush with the radar gun the size of an 80 liter rubbish bin would have surely stopped the motorcycle for doing nearly 100 kph over the posted speed limit.
Once again, the report may have no basis in fact and, although entertaining, may be the complete fabrication of someone that smells of kangaroo and shoot holes in the ceiling of his hotel room with a shotgun.

If this is the case we would like to apologise to anyone that may have been riding a motorcycle, made by a family owned company, of over one liter in capacity, of a bluish color and were a handsome middle European man and a non-European woman of demure stature, and not doing speeds of 215, but probably more. 

1 comment:

  1. Marino I'm sure you misread the speedo because as Aids will attest the BMW speedo's are hard to read. I'm sure you were only doing 75kph
