Tuesday 13 May 2014

Paris ...... the forgotten bits from yesterday

OK, I took some pics yesterday and despite being asked, and wanting to, I forgot so I'll post them now.

First pic is an accessory that a scooter riding friend of mine from Adelaide, whose name - Hans S - will go unmentioned to avoid embarrassing him.

What do you think about that skirt Hans?
It seems to keep the wind and rain off all the Frenchmen's "girlie bits" (in joke between Hans and I) here so I reckon it might also in Oz as well!

Next. Pics of the Vivaldi For Seasons gig at Saint Chappelle. No, it wasn't Armin van Buuren or Iggy  but it was very good, with no unnatural amplification, and in one of the most beautiful Gothic chapels of the world.

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